Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This video was taken during a patrol somewhere over here and it circulated pretty quick. Whoever edited it could not have picked a better song...except maybe BIG Poppa. This kid might be the next Saddam.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Check out this article about the flags supposedly discarded by OBAMA and saved by McCain. I like McCain, but I think they are trying a little too hard here. This is pretty funny though.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Once again, another significant break between posts. I finally have internet in my room so I no longer have an excuse not to write regularly. Things have been pretty calm over here for the past few weeks. I've been busy, but that never seems to change. I'm really enjoying my new is fun and challenging. Basically we hunt the enemy at night and sleep during the day. This schedule is nice because it is similar to the sleep cycle that you all are on in the US. I don't have to wake up at 3AM to call my family. Also, success in this mission lends itself to a high level of satisfaction and achievement, which is always nice. We have really forced these clowns way back on their heels. Click on the title of this post to read an article about a big capture one of my buddies was involved in.

Thanks to everyone that has sent mail or packages...we all really appreciate your support. Please don't send anything have done too much already.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Despite the liberal tilt, this article offers a somewhat fair assessment of the situation over here right now. Maliki is turining into a hardliner and really starting to garner the respect of the people. The establishment of a "conditions-based" timetable is neccesary but should never be made public. Click on the title to read.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This is what I wear everyday. In total, my gear weighs around 60 lbs --which is not too bad considering. I carry two radios, several optics, ammo, aid pouch, smoke, a KA-BAR, and some other stuff I can't mention. You get used to the weight, but it is hard to get used to the heat. Everytime I take my gear off it is soaked on the inside....and it has begun to smell pretty wretch. I'll get around to cleaning it here at some point.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


This is a good compilation of air weapons in action. Almost everytime we get to use these guys, I wish I had become an apache pilot. Next time I'll try to get a video from my truck.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I tried to send these home but got denied because of the whole ban on liquids. I'm going to try again at some point because these are great souvenirs. I have tried several Iraqi sodas and they are all pretty wretched. There is one that tastes like ketchup...Pretty disgusting.

Wow...I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything and I apologize. I have realized (and I'm sure you have too)that it is impossible for me to update this blog as much as I would like.

Anyway, I'm pretty busy over here. This is a picture of me with my new interpreter talking to some Iraqi Security Forces during a patrol. We try to coach them as much as possible when we are operating together. These guys are starting to execute pretty well. They have come a long way even in the four months we have been here. They'll be able to take this country over soon.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We got to take a break from the kinetic stuff for a little while to make some friends. The kids love when we come by....our visit is seriously equivalent to Christmas morning for them...even though we usually only give them a small beanie baby or something. This place really forces you to put things into perspective.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Look Out!

It's about 0430 and I'm relaxing here a bit, enjoying the internet and television for a few minutes. Don't ask why I am up at this time....I'm not sure. We are all experiencing a minor lull in action, which is good. It's been pretty hot over here.(I'm not talking temperature)
The "Armed forces Network" is showing the NFL Draft and I've been watching that with our interpreters. We have two younger guys who are really cool. They risk their lives for $70 a month in salary...crazy. They are all banking on this job getting them a visa someday. They deserve it.
Also, I came across this footage that is pretty extreme... Look out, Buddy!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Oil Dance

I put this clip in as a test because this liveleak site has alot of good stuff. You should probably get an account because I will probably post more from the site to give everyone a better idea of what I'm experiencing over here. These guys love oil. "The Black Blood of Allah"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This is a picture of some of my guys in Kuwait doing some training before we headed North. We really have a great platoon and we're doing well over here. We have long days and little free time but the people keep us motivated. The Iraqi people are great and they continue to stress how much they need us here to help them. Many of them dream of moving to the US someday. I tell them that I hope I can return to Iraq for a vacation in 10 years...hahaha but I really do hope that this place improves.

Friday, April 11, 2008


I've been blacked out for a while now so I havn't been able to write anything at all. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into it now. Once again, I dont have time now but I'll continue to try. Click on this title to see a rediculous clip my Mom sent. from the following link:

Monday, March 31, 2008


I hope everyone is doing well at home. I found the translated text of Sadr's statement yesterday which makes 9 demands to Maliki’s government. Maliki welcomed the demands so we'll see what happens. I attached a link to the site if you want to read further.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I finally have internet in my room and it is about as slow as my first ever dial-up joke. I'll actually be surprised if this posts. It is better than nothing though so i'll take it. I also caved in and bought a phone over here so if you email me, I'll give you my number. I would love to hear from you all but I wouldn't reccomend calling often because it will really rocket up your bill. I am really surprised that no US phone companies have moved in over here yet. This place would be a gold mine for Verizon or AT&T...a true opportunity gap. Maybe thay are waiting out the war.
The last week has been exciting. If you have been following the news, you probably noticed that there has been an uptick in activity over here. I can't really give any details on the blog because it is likely monitored by the enemy. But I'm doing well over here...we all are. The worst part is probably the is wretched--a combination of burning rubber, fuel, and nothing you have really ever experienced before. The Iraqi people are generally very friendly and about 50% of them speak some English. I'm working on my Arabic but it is not easy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I know it has been a while since I last wrote anything and I apologize. My internet access is still extremely limited. I'm heading into Iraq this weekend and once I get settled in (2 weeks or so) I'll have more consistent internet access.
The weather is pretty nice over here it averages mid 80s this time of year. The sandstorms have not gotten bad yet but they are still pretty intense. You cannot see your hands if you hold your arm out straight. I was trying to reconfim my M4 zero in those conditions...nearly impossible. I saw a herd of like 200 camels yesterday. They just run around on the sides of the road and the Kuwaitis try to herd them with SUVs....really amusing. They have a guy in the passenger seat with a long stick and he hits them as the driver rips around. That's about it for now. We are all string to get a little bored and we're ready to go up North.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Don't Cha

Wow....I am trying to navigate this page in arabic...I'm not sure why everything is not translating but I think you all should be able to read this in english there.
Anyway, these past few days have been pretty hectic. I missed the Pussy Cat Dolls and Jessica Simpson who were here in Kuwait performing when we drove in. We had to dowload all of our gear so we couldnt hit the show. Otherwise we've been busy preparing our vehicles and weapons for combat. I don't really have time to write much but I wanted to attach a link to an article in teh Killeen Daily Herald. They misquoted me a little but oh on the post title to follow the link.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I took off from Ft Hood around 1500 central time and we had a direct flight to Shannon, Ireland. We are here now waiting while they refuel and refit the plane. We are supposed to leave at 0900 Ireland time for Kuwait. I'm not sure how long that flight will be but I plan to pass out pretty hard.
This place is pretty crazy though...all of the Irish civilians are drinking and it is 0500 in the morning. I just saw some lady buy a 12-pack. I've never seen that before at an airport. Gotta Go.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Check out this article from Al-JAZEERA. The writer offers some interesting perspectives on Iran's influence in Iraq. He even proposes that the US and Iran may be cooperating behind closed doors. This is and interesting theory but is ridiculous nonetheless. Click on the title "Ahmadinejad" to read the article.

Croc Attack

These images made me think of the tiger attack at the SanFran Zoo. Some idiot decided to taunt this wild croc and was lucky he didn't turn out like those clowns at the zoo. The funny thing is that I could see myself (or Tanner) doing the same thing.

"I began playing with it for a photo,'' Mr Mashiah said. "I was pointing at it when it suddenly jumped up at me - I didn't realise that crocs were so aggressive.'' The "saltie" – which experts believe probably approached the boat in search of a free feed of fish – propelled itself out of the water with terrifying speed. After narrowly missing its prey, it smashed into the side of the small metal boat before plunging back into the water.
"I was shocked - the animal clearly wanted to kill me,'' Mr Mashiah, from Tel Aviv, told the Northern Territory News. "One minute I was leaning over the boat teasing it for a picture. The next minute it burst out of the water with incredible speed ... its jaws fully open. I was shaking,'' he said.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Admin Note

For those of you who don't know, I'm taking off this Sunday for Kuwait. I'll be in Iraq by the end of March. Once in Iraq, I'll try to blog as much as possible.

You'll notice that I removed my name and title/position from the profile page. It is important that none of you mention my last name or rank in any of your comments on the site. Insurgents actually monitor the sites of military bloggers. Obviously, I won't be posting any secret information, but it is still important that I keep the info as tight as possible. late.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Is this guy serious??? How can he possibly be considered for president when he cannot even bear to put his hand on his heart during the National Anthem? Nobody will respect him as a Commander-in-Chief. I can't wait for McCain to face off with him on military issues. Anyone who votes for this guy is really out-of-touch. See the below regulation.

During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. -- United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I am pretty disturbed that someone registered a vote for Hillary on my blog. This is disturbing because I know that I have not even advertised this blog to any of my liberal friends. Here is an excerpt from an AP article on Hillary which really highlights her Socialist leanings.

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined a broad economic vision Tuesday, saying it’s time to replace an “on your own” society with one based on shared responsibility and prosperity.

The Democratic senator said what the Bush administration touts as an “ownership society” really is an “on your own” society that has widened the gap between rich and poor.

“I prefer a ‘we’re all in it together’ society,” she said. “I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none.”

Hillary's notion that we should abandon individuality, and become more dependent on the government is scary. “Shared prosperity,” basically means that she’s going to take some of your prosperity and force you to share it with your neighbor, who is not working as hard and is happy to continue in his lazy ways. Competition and free market capitalism is the only way our economy will prosper. The Declaration of Independance mentions the right to "...The pursuit of Happiness." Pursuit being the key word.... That's why I never give money to beggars. In most cases, they are lazy and they realize they can get by without contributing.

The problem with Socialism is that the government which redistributes wealth always has an agenda and eventually gets power-hungry, oppressive, and increasingly currupt. And we know that Hillary is already corrupt.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


While I obviously want the PATs to win today, I can empathize with the Giants somewhat now. I read this article today about a former Army Football player who returned from Iraq missing both his legs, and has become the inspiration of the Giants. Note: I think that making the comparison between war and and athletic contest is rediculous amnd unwarranted. Check out the article:

Yeah, I am still trying to figure out how to make these links so you don't have to cut and paste.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Check out this link if you havn't already read about today's suicide bombimg in Iraq. Pretty sick...the two women were mentally retarded...These bombings actually occured close to where we are going.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Check out this fine dish that Lindsay prepared today. All of those hours watching the FOOD Network are finally starting to pay off. COD cakes.....MMMMMMMMMM..hah

Friday, January 25, 2008

le Rogue Trader

Jérôme Kervie...The fugitive trader behind the biggest fraud investigation in banking history is a 31-year old Frenchman called Jerome Kerviel.
Mr Kerviel worked in Paris in SocGen's Delta One products team, which includes programme trading, ETFs, swaps, index and quantitative trading. He could not be reached for comment.
Earning a comparatively modest £75,000-a-year, Kerviel was today alleged to have carried out a $7.3 billion banking fraud. He accepted me as a friend on facebook!
Read the rest at:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I need some recommendations for a title. Also, please submit any suggestions on layout that you may have. Check out the video that I posted below...pretty funny clip. I'm not sure where it's from.

Update: Jessica Simpson, Super Villain.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Check out this rediculous kid. The naked dude really gets me.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


This is my buddy Steve at a bowling alley at NTC. This picture was taken when he was nearing the completion of a binge that probably reduced his lifespan by a few months. He consumed the following in 2 hours:

  • BK double stacker with fries and a 40oz. Soda
  • Butterfinger Sundae
  • Fried fish sandwich with chips, 40oz. Soda
  • Starbucks "creme"

He had to release on the walk back.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I'm creating this blog to chronicle my deployment to Iraq. I'll try to stay on top of it and update as much as possible. Late.