Monday, August 25, 2008


Once again, another significant break between posts. I finally have internet in my room so I no longer have an excuse not to write regularly. Things have been pretty calm over here for the past few weeks. I've been busy, but that never seems to change. I'm really enjoying my new is fun and challenging. Basically we hunt the enemy at night and sleep during the day. This schedule is nice because it is similar to the sleep cycle that you all are on in the US. I don't have to wake up at 3AM to call my family. Also, success in this mission lends itself to a high level of satisfaction and achievement, which is always nice. We have really forced these clowns way back on their heels. Click on the title of this post to read an article about a big capture one of my buddies was involved in.

Thanks to everyone that has sent mail or packages...we all really appreciate your support. Please don't send anything have done too much already.